Friday, April 9, 2010

More Ukulele Love!

"The Way I Am"

"Laughing With"


{M.M.S.} said...

Sarah, I'm so excited that you have been blogging! I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. "Laughing With" was sososososososoo beautiful! I'm so excited that you play the uke! A lot of my friends watched your "Everybody" video and were super impressed! <3

Sarah Ada said...

Thanks Mergan!

I'm really obsessed with "Laughing With" so I'm glad I could kind of pull it off!

Thanks for passing on "Everybody" to your friends for me. I had a good run in that contest. I think I was like, #27 or somewhere around there which isn't too shabby out of the 160(ish) videos that were part of the contest!

I read your post about the house project this morning. I fell asleep shortly after and therefore didn't leave a comment but the last thing I watch before my long nap was the Welcome Home Son video! It was very beautiful. I'm excited to see how your project progresses!