Thursday, May 3, 2007

She couldn't ever find anything to take a picture of.

This is the only keeper so far for my final project... it is still a work in progress as far as post production goes but this is the image I'm using... It is kind of a continuation of the "self" project" I was doing earlier on this month...

Today we had the work in progress crit and it was decided I should do kind of a decade thing as I unintentionally am dressed in 50's 60's and 70's clothes in the first three images of the series... (the above image is 60's.)
, I'm really excited about shooting for this project, so it will be interesting to see were this series takes me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

DollarStore Day Dream

For this assignment we were only allowed to spend ten dollars at the dollar store to create a fun still life...
This was taken with a 4x5 Sinar then the chrome was scanned...